The girls are very excited to announce that they are big sisters to be. No, we are not pregnant! We have started the process of adopting a new little one! We hope you decide to join our family on this adventure. We will try to keep everyone updated through this blog. Adoption can be a long, and bumpy road and we would greatly appreciate your love and support.
We have been praying about this for a few years and feel like now is the time. We will be doing a domestic infant adoption, which means we will be adopting from the United States. We sent our preliminary application to our agency on April 11th. We were approved about a week later and sent our formal application and fee on April 21st. They sent it to the director for approval on April 25th and we were formally approved about ten days later! We are now working on our assessment, this involves tons (did I say tons!) of paperwork, along with educational classes and a home study. This is going to take some time as the educational classes are a pre requisite for the home study and our first class isn't until the end of July. This gives us some time to have physicals, TB tests, criminal background checks, get together some documents, read a book and fill out a mountain of paperwork. The adoption process will probably take much longer than a pregnancy would. It usually takes a few years, so we are really just in the beginning stages.
We know you probably have a lot of questions and we hope to answer them if possible. We will be starting a fundraiser soon, to help with the costs of the adoption. We will keep you posted on that. Adoption is expensive. It is crazy expensive, scary expensive. We know ultimately God will provide but it is a bit daunting. We will be saving our money, applying for grants, and praying for God's provision.
Would you pray with us?
E, K and the girls
A few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.....