Thursday, January 15, 2015


I saw a quote on Facebook the other day so I thought I would share,

"It's not that I love waiting,
It's that I love the person I am waiting for."

It resonated with with me.We are officially in the waiting period for our adoption. We have only officially been a"waiting family" for a few months, but of course it seems much longer as the process to adopt began about 9 months ago, not to mention the 3 years before that spent thinking, praying and hoping for another child. Waiting is definitely not easy, especially when there is not a defined timeline as to how long this wait will be. It is a hard balance to find, on the one hand looking forward to the day when we can hold our little one and welcome him/her into our family and then on the other hand to be present in the here and now and just enjoy the season of life we are in. Some of our friends are also adopting and it was so interesting to read her blog and see some of the same feelings I have been having reflected in her words. I guess we are in good company with others who are going through a similar process! I am putting a link to her post here. Please take the time to read it, it is well worth your time (Lisa's post on waiting)!

Even though we have been "waiting" we have been extremely busy. The girls always keep us on our toes and homeschooling takes up the majority of my time. We have also been working at a steady pace on grant writing and adoption training for our agency. We are so thankful for organizations that recognize that the costs of adoption often prevent families who would otherwise love to adopt from doing so. There are so many deserving families applying for these grants and unfortunately there are just not enough funds for most families to receive a grant. Would you pray with us as we apply for these grants that God would move mountains? That he would provide for this adoption in only the way that he can?

Would you also pray with us for our sweet little one as well as his or her birth parents? As you pray for the birth mother, please pray not only for her physical health but also her emotional, and spiritual health. These women are not "abandoning" their children. They are choosing life, and trying to make the best choice for their child under a variety of potentially challenging circumstances.

A few pics of the two sweeties who keep us so busy....