Saturday, August 8, 2015


We have been a "waiting family" for a bit over 9 months, and I am starting to feel overdue.I think most women at 9 months are ready for their baby to come. I may not have a huge belly or swelling feet, but the longing to hold that baby in my arms is the same. My girls came early, 7 weeks early. I called those seven weeks my bonus weeks. It's become clear to me we are not getting any bonus weeks this go around. I often wonder why we couldn't be that family who gets the match a few weeks after they start waiting or even a few months after waiting. Yet here we are, over nine months later, a year and a half after the starting the process.Overdue. Now in the adoption world 9 months is not really overdue...many wait much, much longer. The fact that we may have to double or triple the 9 month wait is tough. I know many people have asked where we are in the process and what is happening. The honest truth is absolutely nothing. We know that is a frustrating answer. We too are frustrated, the girls are frustrated. They pray every night for their baby. They ask me why the baby hasn't come yet if they have prayed. I tell them our baby has to be just the right one. That we dont want just any baby, we want the one God has prepared for our family. The funny thing is I feel the same way they do. I know mentally the right answers but emotionally it is hard to believe. So that is where I am right now in this process... Overdue. No baby, not today. Until then I will cling to the two beautiful "babies" I do have and to hope.I will choose to believe in God's goodness even when it hurts, even when I feel over due. To my sweet future baby. I haven't given up, my arms are waiting for you! A pic of my sweet girls who pray every night for their baby....

Families Outreach Grant

The third grant that we received was through Families Outreach.After applying for this grant we received a card in the mail, letting us know they were praying for our family. A few months later we received a letter in the mail and a check for $750.00 to use towards our adoption expenses. We feel so blessed that they chose our family to support both through prayer and finances! Thank you Families Outreach!